New Movie Jackets

Returns and Exchanges

Returns and Exchanges

Our foremost objective is to ensure the satisfaction and happiness of our customers, which is why we take pride in offering quality products at competitive prices. Prior to shipment, all our products undergo thorough vetting and inspection. However, should an issue arise, we have a return and exchange policy in place, and we encourage you to familiarize yourself with its terms and conditions.

If you receive a damaged or defective product, we kindly request that you notify us promptly. Along with your complaint, please provide a clear photograph of the product in good quality to establish your eligibility for a refund or product exchange. This step is designed to spare you the inconvenience of returning a product with no possibility of reimbursement. Any additional details about the defects in your complaint would also be greatly appreciated.

Please note that products missing their tags or not in their original packaging may not be eligible for return or replacement. Furthermore, it must be confirmed that the defect existed at the time of delivery and was not caused subsequently. Any damages attributed to personal handling can be repaired, but this service may incur a fixed fee. If the damage occurred during delivery, we will take responsibility for it.

Please be aware that after the expiration of the specified return and exchange period, we cannot accept liability for any damage to the products. You can typically expect return or exchange requests to be processed within 15-20 days.

All these measures are in place for your convenience and peace of mind.

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